Gentle removal when necessary for health.

While it is always our goal to save a tooth whenever possible, there are times when an extraction is necessary. This may be due to injury, decay, gum disease, or preparation for orthodontic treatment. Fortunately, our team at Irving Dental has expertise in extractions, and we will work to make them as pain-free and stress-free as possible.

Before any extraction, we use appropriate anesthesia, so extractions can be done without significant pain. It is our priority to ensure you feel comfortable with the procedure. If you feel anxious about the process, ask us about using laughing gas for your procedure.

Extractions are typically a straightforward procedure, and the vast majority are performed quickly. Some teeth are more challenging to remove, often related to the tooth’s position or the shape of the roots. If a tooth is below the bone, a surgical approach may be necessary. After the tooth is extracted, stitches are used to put the gum back in place.

Immediately after the extraction, a bite pack is used to apply pressure to the socket and stop bleeding. It is important not to disturb the blood clot in the socket. It should not be touched or rinsed, and the patient should avoid strenuous activity. Using a straw and smoking should also be avoided. An ice pack on the outer cheek near the extraction site may be recommended to help with any swelling.

If you or a family member require a tooth extraction, call us today at (972) 313-2002 to schedule an appointment.